Christmas is a bit of a yin/yang time
for me. As much as I dislike all the commercial hype around it, I
do love the family time and all the traditions, both old and new that are uniquely ours.
I also love anything natural at this
time. I keep my bird feeders full and I so appreciate their
beautiful presence throughout the winter months. Even though we don't have one (because of a
certain furry family member) I do love real Christmas trees, and the
greens that I pick out for my outdoor pot each year. I love the
poinsettias, the way my Christmas cactus seems to know when it's time
to bloom. And I especially love the amaryllis plant.
There is something so simple, yet so
magical about planting this bulb in a pot of soil, and watching it
push through the earth – the slim and waxy leaves, the thick stalk
with that plump bulb perched on top, day by day reaching for
the sky. And finally announcing its grand entrance as it bursts open
into not just one but multiple exquisite blooms!
Amaryllis' are not shy. They bloom like they are the only flower that ever mattered! And unlike the lovely hibiscus flower that only lives a day, the amaryllis hold it's bloom for many days, blessing us over and over again with intoxicating beauty.
Amaryllis' are not shy. They bloom like they are the only flower that ever mattered! And unlike the lovely hibiscus flower that only lives a day, the amaryllis hold it's bloom for many days, blessing us over and over again with intoxicating beauty.
This special flower has symbolism
attached to it as well. It's a living symbol of love, and ethereal
beauty. It also symbolizes strength and determination to continue
in the face of life's challenges.
To me it is also about how nature
reveals the mystery of life through this plant. We plant a seed
within us, nurture it to keep it alive, and then we have the faith that
something will grow. It really is not in our hands but we tend it
carefully and tenderly and with patience.
And when we're least expecting it grace
touches down and something blooms within us, awakening us to a deeper sense of life itself.
For several years I gave my dear mom an amaryllis and I delighted in her joy as the first bloom emerged. And in that spirit of joy I will keep this tradition alive by offering it to other loved ones this holiday season.
May you also find joy in whatever touches you this, and let your heart be as beautiful as the amaryllis boom.
Namaste. _/l\_
For several years I gave my dear mom an amaryllis and I delighted in her joy as the first bloom emerged. And in that spirit of joy I will keep this tradition alive by offering it to other loved ones this holiday season.
May you also find joy in whatever touches you this, and let your heart be as beautiful as the amaryllis boom.
Namaste. _/l\_