In some ways, this is the season that prepares us for 'the big sleep' from January to March. The days are getting shorter, many of the animals are beginning their hibernation, the plants are beaming dormant- even the birds seem quieter these days.
And yet this also a season where many of us experience a time of heightened busyness- even frenzy-with Christmas reminders everywhere.
So how do we balance the need for quiet, rest and maintain the energy to juggle all the balls in the air that come with living our unique lives? It's not easy, but there are things that can help. Yoga can be one of them.
When we take the time, even a few minutes a day, to dedicate to a practice of breath, of awareness, of slowly moving your body into poses that open the energy channels, something can shift deep within us. It may be subtle, but it's unmistakeable. The chatter of our minds begins to settle, our muscles start to relax and let go, and there is a sense of returning home to that place where it's just a little easier to find some balance, on-and off- the mat.
Just a few minutes.. to come home to ourselves.
It just might be worth it.
Namaste. _/\_
"No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for 'we' are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we find it in our lives."
Louise Hay
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