"What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me...?"
For many years, I was an elementary school teacher and when I retired, the idea of teaching yoga appealed to me for lots of reasons. I'm so thankful I took this path, as it's been more rewarding than I could have ever imagined.
However, it's also been a humbling journey. Over the course of the first year I spent hours and hours of preparation for a one hour class, wondering if anyone would even come. The anticipation was intense, and I felt like I did years ago fresh out of teacher's college- excited but full of nerves! I also set my own bar high, so the learning curve was often full of angst for me. I was impatient with my awkwardness and lack of confidence. Many times after a class I wondered if I should throw in the towel, and try something else. Yes, humbling for sure.
Yet underneath it all, what kept me going was a deep love of yoga, as well as the unending encouragement of my family and beloved teacher.
And two very special students.
Every Wednesday the door would open and Bill and Sandy would bring their smiling faces and good hearts into the studio as they cheerfully threw down their mats. I would teach my carefully constructed lesson to the best of my ability, and always hoped they would come back. And back they did come. Time and time again.
Their loyalty and dedication to that Wednesday night class meant everything to me. They gave me the opportunity to hone my skills as a teacher, an essential and necessary part of growing and staying on that learning curve until it began to feel more natural. Their steadfast presence slowly convinced me I did have the potential to be a good teacher, and to just keep learning and growing. Gradually I realized that I wasn't teaching from my head anymore. I was teaching from my heart.
Over time, more students came and stayed, and we now have a precious little kula, practising our love of yoga and enjoying great camaraderie together. It is the most wonderful feeling to be a part of this community, to grow along with my students and to witness their journey alongside mine.
We can't always believe in ourselves right away but when others hold the space for us until we are ready, it is a gift like no other.
Thanks Bill and Sandy for holding that space for me. I am forever grateful.
"We get by with a help from our friends."
Namaste. _/l\_