Sunday, 1 March 2015

Ode to 60

I’m turning 60 in a few days. I laughed at my husband a couple years ago when he was ruminating about his 60th birthday. He looked over his glasses and said - 'just wait'. How right he was. No doubt about it,  I've had my share of angst over mine too. But lately there's something else that's shown up too, something quite unexpected.

Today I was in the gym and happened to go into the activity room where they hold classes. It was empty but I could pick a video of a class and 'do it yourself'. "Great!" I thought. "Love the idea- a whole studio to myself"! I walked up to the machine, picked a dance class, (one I used to be quite good at, I might add :)).  A big screen rolled down and it began. The intro music filled the room, I felt excited, ready to rock! And then...

Oh-My-God. Where did that woman go who could dance with the best of them? Along with Elvis, 'she had left the building'. And who was this imposter, flailing around, completely out of sync with the music and movement- tripping over her two left feet?!  I tried to convince myself no one was looking through the windows into that room and laughing, but let me tell you, I was well OUT of my comfort zone.  After a good try I turned the damn thing off, grabbed my stuff and whatever dignity that remained, and headed for home.

Now, before you start feeling sorry for me, here’s the flip side. I SHOWED UP.  I might even be back, and who knows, maybe even get a little better with practice.  No, I’m not the dancer I once was, nor the runner, nor the writer, or philosopher. My ass has gone south and it ain’t coming back. I have all kinds of weird health stuff going on, and I do the stupidest things, way more than I’d like to admit.

But what I’m determined to do, is keep SHOWING UP. I don’t know what that’s going to look like in the future, but for now- I’m going to shake my booty to that dance video, and dream about all the different things I love to do- or have yet to do. This is such precious time and more than ever,  I want to embrace it. 

Yes, being 60 has many rewarding qualities that I wouldn’t trade for that firm little butt, or smug confidence. But it also reminds me that I will never be younger than I am today, so I better take this able body into the next decade with gratitude and joie de vivre.

 Now- where did I put those sky diving lessons? I need to find my glasses first.

Namaste _/l\_

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