Tuesday 10 March 2015

A Smile is Just a Smile. Or is it?

I was on a morning walk recently, and not feeling too great. Tired, back hurting. Just a little blah.

But then, without really thinking about it, I started to smile or say good morning to everyone I met on my walk. My husband does it all the time, but I’m a bit shyer, so it took some courage. It was interesting. Some people didn’t see me at all, some looked surprised and even wary. But more than a few smiled back. I loved watching this happen. It was a transformation before my eyes. Their faces became radiant, full of light. Even the old man plodding along with two canes looked up and returned a smile and firm nod.

Sometimes we don’t think about the small things we can do in a day. Like giving someone a smile. It may be the only smile that person receives that day. It may lift a heavy heart. It may even change the course of a day. It’s a wee gift, but it reminds them that someone sees them, that they matter.

I love Mother Teresa’s quote: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

So maybe a smile isn’t just a smile. Maybe it’s a little piece of love that connects us all.

Namaste _/l\_

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