Sunday, 18 January 2015

An Inside Job

I've been thinking of this quote lately. It's cute and light hearted but there's also a lot of wisdom behind it.

When I was younger, I seemed to spend much of my energy waiting for happiness to come when all the outer stuff was in order. The job, the family, the home, the health- there was always something that needed tweaking before happiness could be complete.

It took many years before I fully surrendered to the fact that happiness does not have to hang on life being in order. And as I get older, it is more and more apparent that something will always be out of order to some degree. Yet amidst that disorder or what my daughter coins "the joyful mess" the invitation to be happy still remains.

There isn't a magic bullet for this, nor should there be. Each one of us has to discover it in our own way. But here are a few ideas that have been helpful for me when happiness seems just out of reach.

First of all, it's very important to acknowledge how you you do feel. So often we try to avoid uncomfortable feelings because we don't like feeling this way. But if we can allow ourselves to identify and touch whatever sensation we're experiencing- with curiosity and non judgement- it can often soften the heart enough to open to new possibilities.

Even in the midst of a challenging time, I often ask " Can I still make space to see the blessings in my life?" Like catching the brilliance of a coral sky as the day begins, or spotting the fluffed up cardinal perched on a snow covered branch. There are so many miracles that happen each day that are just waiting for us to embrace. Reminding myself to notice and give thanks is a huge anecdote for happiness.

I have also found that stepping out of myself and becoming helpful to someone else can be transformative, time and time again.  Whether it's a kind word, a small gesture, a thoughtful act- these can help to lift one's heart and open up one's perspective about where happiness truly lies in life.

Daily yoga and meditation practice for me have also been integral in remembering that happiness is available amidst the messiness of life. Quieting the mind, following the breath, allowing my imperfect self inside my imperfect life to come to my cushion and my mat, is a refuge for me. And if done regularly has often helped me stay steadier during those times when happiness gets derailed.

We can't always be happy of course. But is it possible to find the tiniest of sparks of happiness even in the darkest times? I'd like to believe so.

Wishing you happiness. From the inside out.

Namaste. _/l\_

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