Drum roll please..... the challenge has begun!
Tomorrow begins a new year of yoga, teaching my beloved students and learning along with them. To commemorate this new beginning, I am offering a 30 day challenge that everyone can do. Yup.. everyone.
For my students, the beginning of the challenge starts at the first class of the year, but for anyone else, just pick a day, and simply begin.
So what is the challenge?
Ten minutes on the mat. Not 100 Sun Salutations or an hour of vigorous yoga. Just- ten-short-minutes.
You may wonder- how could this be a challenge? In my view, it's getting on the mat that is the challenge, rather than staying there. I know this from experience. How many times have I thought- "I'll do it after I write this email, or wash these dishes, or have a shower?" It's funny how tricky our mind can be when it comes to things like this. Why is so hard to put aside our everyday tasks and have a few minutes with ourselves? It just is.
However, we can all find ten minutes a day to fit this in. It's not intimidating nor does it cut into anything we might feel we need to do. And I can guarantee that once you're on the mat- once you've begun- you'll want to stay just a little bit longer..
So to begin, here are a few guidelines..
1. Find a place that has no or minimal distractions. A quiet room where you have enough space to lay down a mat, and close the door. Or a little corner that is away from the centre of activity, conversations etc. Not in front of the tv- (you get the picture.)
2. Make a date with your mat. This may take some experimentation as to the best time of day or evening for you, but once you find something that works, try to do it the same time everyday. You will become accustomed to setting that time aside, and it begins to feel more natural. And the habit begins to form.
3. Play some quiet relaxing music, or practice in silence. The object is to come home to yourself, to become aware, and sensitive to how you're feeling, both in mind and body. To 'let go of your day' and simply be with your breath and the movement of your body.
4. Don't worry that you might not know 'how to do it right'. I will include below a couple vinyassas (flow movements) to help you get started, but just begin to move your body slowly. Ten minutes is meant to be a warm up, gentle practice so it is unlikely you will hurt yourself. Listen to your body for guidance, stretching muscles and lubricating joints- never going into pain. Every movement has value so use this time to appreciate yourself for taking the time to come to your mat.
5. Move with your breath. Let your breath guide the movement. Keep your mental focus on the inhale and exhale. This is what separates a yoga practice from a work out. Breath is exceedingly important, as it relaxes both the mind and the body. Certain movements are typically done on an inhale, and others on an exhale, but I wouldn't be overly concerned about that if you aren't sure. Awareness of breath is more important. And if your mind is busy and you catch yourself 'thinking' (and you will) just gently bring your awareness back to your breath, time and time again. In this way, the practice can also become a meditation with far reaching benefits.
6. When you're finished, take a minute or two in savasana (relaxation pose) allowing the practice to be integrated. Notice any effects from your time on the mat.
7. And if you miss a day, read my previous post.. :)
8. If you're a student of mine, there will be a little reward at the end of the 30 days (we all like incentives, don't we? :)). But if not, reward yourself with something meaningful if that is something that appeals to you.
And that's it! I hope you can find your tens minutes on the mat. I guarantee it will be time well spent..
Namaste. _/l\_
Samples of vinyassas..
1. Start in Table. Inhale into Table- Exhale into Cat- Inhale into Cow (Dog)- Exhale into Downward Dog- Inhale into Table- Exhale into Child- Inhale into Table.
2. Six Directions of the Spine: Start in Table- Inhale into Cow- Exhale into Cat- Thread the Needle (Inhale- Lift one arm up, parallel to mat - Exhale- float it down to mat, slide it across to the other side, under the other arm, resting shoulder onto the mat- switch sides)- Inhale into Table- Come to Kneeling in preparation for Kneeling Crescent Moon (Inhale- Lift one arm straight up alongside ear, other hand at hip- Exhale sideways in the opposite direction of the raised arm- switch sides)- Kneeling Backbend (Interlace fingers behind back- Inhale root down through the legs- Exhale- move slowly into gentle backbend)- Inhale back to Table.
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