Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Just Imagine.

A couple weeks ago my husband and I went on a foraging adventure that took us into various forests in the nearby area. It was led by an expert guide who has an abundance of knowledge and experience in this area.

It was fascinating. For years, we've walked in nearby woods, never realizing these plants had so much to them. Sometimes we took the time to appreciate the varying colours, textures and shapes, or to admire the delicate flowers that decorated the landscape. But who knew they could also be a wonderful food source?

As we made our way through the forest, we began to see these plants through different eyes, looking closer at each them and appreciating their unique qualities.  Plants such as day lily stems, garlic mustard, spotted trout leaves and garlic mustard. Pheasant back mushrooms fanning out the trunks and tightly curled fiddlehead ferns about to leaf out into their perfect loveliness.

With guidance to harvest each sustainably, we gathered our bounty and headed for home at which time I created a foraging feast, using recipes to show case each one.

It was a very memorable day for us, one that has stayed with me in the days to follow. And in quiet reflection, I have thought of how it also taught me more about life, too.

In addition to feeling very humbled and grateful for Mother Nature's offerings, it also reminded me of  how easy it is to take things for granted, to rush by and move on to the next thing. Many of us lead busy lives, but how much time do we dedicate to taking in all the blessings that surround us each and every day?

So for a moment I invite you to take a few moments to try this little practice. It will take a minute, but the effects may be felt long after you finish.

"Sitting comfortably, quietly, close your eyes, and draw your awareness inward, following your in breath and your out breath.

Then imagine taking a walk in the forest, with the only intention to be still and to take in this gift with fresh new eyes and a mind full of wonder. Look around at all the exquisite colours and shapes and textures of the plants, the tiny insects all working busily. The sight and songs of the birds, and the chipmunks and squirrels scurrying around in the underbrush.
Then look up the blue sky and gaze for a long time at the billowy clouds floating past. 
Invite this woodland miracle into your own being. Be with the sensations that come up, and let them quietly envelop you.

Now slowly open your eyes and look around."

Can you take a little bit of this into your day? Can you pause from time to time, looking deeply with fresh new eyes, a mind full of wonder, and a heart full of thanks?

It takes time to look at life- all forms of it. It takes intention. But in doing so, there is so much more that is revealed to us, in this quiet, mindful, contemplative gesture.

Namaste. _/l\_

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